Cheats for Spider-Man 3 Collectors Edition PS3
"Spider-Man 3" is the third installment of the "Spider-Man" series produced by Treyarch, which began life on the PlayStation 2. The third installment, the series debut on the PlayStation 3, sees Spider-Man, aka Peter Parker, return to the streets of New York to do battle against villains such as Venom and the Green Goblin. "Spider-Man 3 Collectors Edition" for PS3 features a number of extras, including interviews with the developers and "making of" features. Upon release, the game was considered tough by many gamers, according to IGN, but the developers programmed a number of cheats and rewards as an incentive to the players' perseverance.
Unlock the Green Goblin for "Arena Mode"
In order to unlock Spider-Man's archenemy the Green Goblin in "Spider-Man 3" you must defeat him in your first encounter within the single player campaign. When he is unlocked, you will gain access to his hover-board system, which is controllable by use of the Sixaxis game-pad, allowing you to zoom around the New York skyline without having to propel yourself from building to building, as Spider-Man does.
Spider-Man 3 Cheat Codes
A number of cheat codes can be entered during gameplay in "Spider Man 3: Collectors Edition" to access new characters and even gain status enhancements. In order to unlock the character venom, enter the campaign and press "X," "Circle," "X," "Circle," "Down," "Up" and "Up." You will now be able to use Venom during the single-player portion of the game. To become invincible, pause the game and press "X," "X," "X," "Circle," "Circle," "Circle," "R1," "L1," "Up," "Up" and "Down." If you have entered the code correctly you will hear a beep and you will then become invincible. Unlock everything in the game by again pausing during gameplay and then entering the following: "R1," "X," "R1," "X," "Circle," "Circle" and "Up." When you hear a beep, all the secrets in the game will be at your disposal.
Play as Peter Parker
Peter Parker can be unlocked in "Spider Man 3: Collectors Edition" for the PS3 as an alternative skin to Spider-Man's regular appearance. To unlock him, you must undertake a mission at The Daily Bugle. Talk to Robbie in the office, and when he assigns you a mission, exit and then re-enter the building. The waypoint will now show up from within the building. If you then wait inside the building you will get a "Mission Failed" message, and notification that Eddie has been assigned to the mission. Now you will be granted two options: "Retry" or "Do something else." Select "Do something else," and you should appear on top of the Daily Bugle building as Peter Parker. Walk over to the race on top of the building, but when "Press X to start the mission" appears, you can press "X" which will instead allow Peter Parker to punch. Press "X" continuously while simultaneously moving forward, until Peter Parker walks off the side of the building. You now take the role of Peter Parker while negotiating the city.
Perform Easy Kills
To perform easy kills in "Spider Man 3: Collectors Edition," press "Circle" when an enemy is running away, and you will stun him. To defeat lower-level enemies -- such as Apocalypse Gang members, Candy girls and Dr. Connor's Lizard Creations -- in one hit, first jump into the air and pull the enemy toward you. Press "Circle" very quickly when the enemy is close and then press "Triangle" repeatedly; and you will slam the enemy into the ground.
Unlock Arena Mode
"Arena Mode" in "Spider Man 3: Collector's Edition" allows you to pit your character against another story character in a versus match in a select few of the game's environments. To access "Arena Mode," complete the single-player campaign and then access the mode under "Extras."
Read more: Cheats for Spider-Man 3 Collectors Edition PS3 | eHow.co.uk http://www.ehow.co.uk/info_8316824_cheats-3-collectors-edition-ps3.html#ixzz1qHxNTljj
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