Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Photoshop Can Do Wonders, Even Cook Food For You [Video]

In the world of design and multimedia, learning how to harness the power of an image editing software like Photoshop is a must. Photoshop can do just about anything, from drawing to painting and visual effects.

But that didn't stop Stephania Rota from using it to cook food, with a bit of creativity of course..
And a camera. She created this superb video for a competition organised by Adobe. Naturally she got lots of positive feedbacks (otherwise I wouldn't be featuring on my blog!), though I'm not too sure if she won or not.

For those who have experienced the UI of Photoshop before, you'd definitely appreciate the efforts she put in to make the video as accurate as possible to the real thing. Although the work draws inspiration from Photoshop, it seems ironic that Photoshop was not used at all in editing this video.

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