This monster of a diarrhoea just suddenly crept up on me last night and assaulted me at 1:42am. That's right. I remembered the time. I was jolted out of my sleep and bolted to the toilet where I _________ ___________ (details not included). For the rest of the night, I was attacked at regular intervals of 2 hrs. Even when I was supposed to go to work, this monster was relentless and persistent. Ouch. In the end, I was forced to submit and gave my superior a call, informing him of my great battle with diarrhoea. I tried to go back to sleep but still not shown mercy. At 10am, I visited the doctor where I was promptly prescribed with a monster load of medicine for a monstrous diarrhoea.

Look at that! 4 types of medicine just for diarrhoea. This sickness really is a monster. You need so many pills and tablets just to destroy it into oblivion. What the F. This is one sickness you don't want to mess around with.

What's this!? I have to take 7 pills at a go!? Oh man.. Not to mention that black tablets that themselves remind me of what comes out when I get attacked. I mean just look at this.. I have such a wide variety of medicine. We got those black pieces of s***, the shiny green and blue capsules, the mini mentos and the antibiotics pill that look like vitamins. Sigh.. Guess I have to take them if I want to get better. Oh by the way, those mini mentos really tasted quite sweet. Now I'm confused as to whether they are really medicine.
In conclusion, diarrhoea is a bad-ass monster of a sickness. It attacks you when you don't expect it, it's a pain in the ass (literally) and it gives you the chance to consume a wonderful selection of medicine. All in all, stay healthy.
PS: Don't take this so seriously. All this are said with a light heart. I'm still cheerful, dun need to go to work. :) lol.. I'm going to sleep now.