Wow, wow, wow.. Creative came up with a better, cooler and feature-bursting zen mp3 player! And its new 32GB storage size will just swallow up your new iPod Touch. Take that Apple! The size of this new gadget is pretty much the same as its predecessor, Creative Zen. It's still credit card-sized and about a centimetre thick. What immediately seduced me was the incorporation of X-Fi technology into the player. Everyone knows that Creative are the best with audio and naturally the technology they offer is certainly trusted. X-Fi processes the music and make them sound better than the CD quality and now, it's in the Zen! (Drools...) Moreover, in addition to the previous Zen features, Zen X-Fi includes wireless connectivity, allowing the user to log onto MSN Messenger and powerful in-built speakers. Check out its sweet, enticing features:1) X-Fi technology incorporated2) In-built speakers3) Huge storage capacity (solid state)4) ~70g light5) MSN Messenger compatible6) Wireless capability7) SD Card expansion8) 2.5" screen, 16.7m colours9) Radio, Mic, EQ support10) Bundled with Noise Cancelling In-Ear EarphoneWith features like that, an asking price of $399 is a steal. But I think I shall stick with my SanDisk Sansa for a while more until there are promotions for Zen X-Fi. LOL. Anyhow, I'll choose this over the Apple iPod Touch anytime.http://sg.creative.com/products/product_CreativeStore.asp?category=213&subcategory=214&product=17811&nav=0
Took this picture of a red cloud against a clear blue evening sky one day after work. It's amazing, I've never seen such a strong contrast of colours in the sky before. It looks even cooler when you see it for yourself.
The New Paper - 01 July 20088.4M People Will Go Blind in Asia by 2010
The first thing we think of when we read the headline is, "wat the...! 8million plus people will be blind in 2 years!" And that's only in Asia. What a way to "look" into the future. I'd rather not "see" it so soon. Well, better take care of our eyes. I'll "see" you again. LOL
The Straits Times (Home) - 03 July 2008NSF Accused Of Molesting Girl
Hmmm.. I guess after this article, people will have a stronger impression that guys who go into army become more desperate. It's true by the way, take example me, after I enlisted, I'm more desperate now. Desperate to get out of there! LOL.
My company has night's off tonight. And I overheard a conversation between 2 of my storemen, Marcus and Yao.(whole conversation in mandarin)Yao: I'm booking out today.Marcus: Are you going home?Yao: No.Marcus: Then what are you going to do?Yao: I'm going home to take some money.Marcus: Then I ask you if you going home and you said no!Yao: Oh yeah hor..Marcus and Me: -_-"
Usually newspaper headlines give an overall summarisation of the article. However, more often than not, the reader's perceived meaning may be different from that of the writer. Also, some articles are so ridiculous that you wonder how did they even make it into such prestigous newspapers. News to Amuse brings you the LOL-est news from Singapore's newspapers!The Straits Times (Home) - 26 June 2008200 Metal Letterboxes In Ubi StolenWho or what, in their sane mind would want to steal letterboxes? Maybe they are so desperate to receive snail mails that they need to have 200 letterboxes of mails. Interesting. Apparently, the theft is the work of metal theives who just want to sell metal for recycling in a bid to make some quick money. What a load of metal crap!The Straits Times (Main) - 26 June 2008Yao Ming's Bed to be Auctioned to Raise MoneyI wonder who would really want to pay a wealthy sum for Yao Ming's used bed. It's 2.3m long. Long enough to have 2 children lie on it lengthwise. Anyway, the bed is just one of the many celebrities stuff that are on auction to raise funds for the Beijing Olympics. It's just entertaining to note that Yao's extraoridinarily long bed is on sale. Looks like he'll be hitting the hay now, literally. LOL.The Straits Times (Home) - 26 June 2008Singapore's Oldest Bus Stop To RemainYes, that's right. The oldest bus stop in Singapore, in CCK, outside Tenga Air Base have avoided the excavator's claws. Votes have been cast on the preservation of certain historical structures and the bus stop was top of the list. LTA has since decided that the bus stop is to remain where it is. Funnily enough, one of a reader, a mother, interviewed said, "Now I can bring my family there to take photos with the bus stop." Wow..Here's an interesting outtake of the news, by TalkingCock.com.Oldest Bus Stop In Singapore