Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008
A week more to IHM Christmas Play!
Our church is having a Christmas Play for the first time and I'm quite happy to be involved in this ground-breaking event. Haha. It's only a week away now and I'm so excited, yet nervous because I'm afraid things may go wrong since it's the first time.
Anyway, I did the promo video for the play (yet another video for my portfolio =D ). I'm too lazy to load it up here so i'll put the link to my church youth group (Testimony of Light). If you are interested to view, please go and take a look. LOL.
Jumat, 12 Desember 2008
My First Car Accident (Part 2)
I know it's been a long while since I posted the first part. But it's partly cuz I'm busy, you noe, goin for holidays, working, etc.. Oh, also I was spendin a lot of time gaming. LOL.
Anyway, I'll continue my story to the best of my knowledge, since I'm.. well.. quite forgetful in the short term. Haha..
After the collision and the excitment, I just sat there in the driver's seat, not knowing what to do next. In my mind, I was constantly thinking, my dad's going to kill me, my dad's going to kill me.. Instead of thanking God that no one was hurt and it was a minor accident. But you will understand only if you were in my place. After "stunning" there for about a min, I called my dad and told him what happened and asked what to do. I was surprised he didn't scold me but told me calmly to get the particulars of the taxi driver and wait while he and my family, who were apparently out for dinner at the moment, to rush down. So I got out and approached the taxi driver and asked for his particulars. To my luck, I think, the taxi driver was a very nice middle aged chinese man. He didn't argue with me or anything but just said he was on his way home to have dinner. I felt more relaxed and told him that I was also on my way home to have dinner that I have just bought and spilt in the car. LOL.
My family came down about 15 mins later. And my dad did the talkin while I listened at the side. After a while, my dad drove the car back home. Soon after, at around 10 plus, we drove the car down to the workshop at Defu where we applied for the insurance and I had to give in my statement. The workshop loaned us a replacement car until the repairs are done.
As of the time of this post, the car has been repaired and returned within a week. The costs was bourned by the taxi insurance. And I have not drove any car since then. That was nearly 3 weeks ago. I'll be back as soon as I regain my confidence.
Conclusion: Although the accident was a frightful experience, I learned something out of it and I'll know what to do if, Heaven forbid, I get into another accident. Or at least how to react if similar circumstances were to happen again.
Minggu, 23 November 2008
My First Car Accident (Part 1)
Ok here goes.
21st Nov 2008. 8pm. I was driving home in my dad's Mazda 5 MPV. I dropped my frens at Jurong East MRT, drove back incident-less till Serangoon Station. I turned into Central and dropped another fren at the MRT. I went on to Serangoon Central to buy my dinner at S11 coffeeshop, or so it used to be called. After that, I decided to go a big round, pass the MacDonalds and Braddell Heights Community Club, back onto Upper Serangoon Road. I carried on driving forward until the junction between Upper Seragoon Road and Serangoon Central Road.
The moment. I was driving along the bus lane, in between a few cars. The light was green. The car in front of me turned left. I slowed down, letting the car turn. Thereafter I continued to drive forward into the junction. I noticed a red TransCab at my 2 o'clock, moving forward, stopping, moving forward, stopping, etc. I thought he wasn't going to turn, so I gently sped up. When I passed the green light, all of a sudden, the taxi sped past and tried to make the turn into Serangoon Central. I was taken aback. I jammed my brakes and flashed the high beam. But to no avail. I could only watched helplessly as the front half the taxi made it past my car. I kept my eyes trained on the back of the taxi. The last I saw was the reflection of my left headlight getting brighter on the taxi boot to the point that I could even see the bulb itself! And the next thing, at approx 8.55pm, travelling at 50-60km/h.. BANG!! I jolted in my seat, car stopped dead in the tracks, radio went off. Immediate silence. Within half a sec of impact, I spun my head to the left to see the taxi spin about before coming to a halt at the corner traffic light. I was absolutely stunned.. I didn't even take off my seat belt. I switched off the engine, turned on the hazard lights and just sat there, for whatever reason.. I was so afraid and shaken by what had just happened..
to be continued...
Selasa, 16 September 2008
I'm Sick (An Epic Battle)
This monster of a diarrhoea just suddenly crept up on me last night and assaulted me at 1:42am. That's right. I remembered the time. I was jolted out of my sleep and bolted to the toilet where I _________ ___________ (details not included). For the rest of the night, I was attacked at regular intervals of 2 hrs. Even when I was supposed to go to work, this monster was relentless and persistent. Ouch. In the end, I was forced to submit and gave my superior a call, informing him of my great battle with diarrhoea. I tried to go back to sleep but still not shown mercy. At 10am, I visited the doctor where I was promptly prescribed with a monster load of medicine for a monstrous diarrhoea.

Look at that! 4 types of medicine just for diarrhoea. This sickness really is a monster. You need so many pills and tablets just to destroy it into oblivion. What the F. This is one sickness you don't want to mess around with.

What's this!? I have to take 7 pills at a go!? Oh man.. Not to mention that black tablets that themselves remind me of what comes out when I get attacked. I mean just look at this.. I have such a wide variety of medicine. We got those black pieces of s***, the shiny green and blue capsules, the mini mentos and the antibiotics pill that look like vitamins. Sigh.. Guess I have to take them if I want to get better. Oh by the way, those mini mentos really tasted quite sweet. Now I'm confused as to whether they are really medicine.
In conclusion, diarrhoea is a bad-ass monster of a sickness. It attacks you when you don't expect it, it's a pain in the ass (literally) and it gives you the chance to consume a wonderful selection of medicine. All in all, stay healthy.
PS: Don't take this so seriously. All this are said with a light heart. I'm still cheerful, dun need to go to work. :) lol.. I'm going to sleep now.
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2008
SAFRA Army Half Marathon (Before)

As you can see, I totally got shocked by the distance that I was supposed to run. It's more than double that of what I've trained for.. -.- Boy was I in for a nasty little surprise. One thing I did not understand is how I managed to enter the 21km run. It's common practice in army to train progressively. And to enter the 21km run, I would have needed to run at least 16km nonstop, which I didn't. So I'm still perplexed about this. But I'll just give it my best shot at the run. Wish me luck.
Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008
Death Race

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008
Fantastical Water Fountain
Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008
Interesting Advertisement
iPhone 3G (not quite what you think)
*iPhone 3G - I Havent Eaten In Days*
Super Chuck Norris Brothers
Selasa, 15 Juli 2008
Creative Zen X-Fi (32GB)

What immediately seduced me was the incorporation of X-Fi technology into the player. Everyone knows that Creative are the best with audio and naturally the technology they offer is certainly trusted. X-Fi processes the music and make them sound better than the CD quality and now, it's in the Zen! (Drools...) Moreover, in addition to the previous Zen features, Zen X-Fi includes wireless connectivity, allowing the user to log onto MSN Messenger and powerful in-built speakers.
Check out its sweet, enticing features:
1) X-Fi technology incorporated
2) In-built speakers
3) Huge storage capacity (solid state)
4) ~70g light
5) MSN Messenger compatible
6) Wireless capability
7) SD Card expansion
8) 2.5" screen, 16.7m colours
9) Radio, Mic, EQ support
10) Bundled with Noise Cancelling In-Ear Earphone
With features like that, an asking price of $399 is a steal. But I think I shall stick with my SanDisk Sansa for a while more until there are promotions for Zen X-Fi. LOL. Anyhow, I'll choose this over the Apple iPod Touch anytime.
Minggu, 06 Juli 2008
Red Cloud
Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008
News To Amuse 2
8.4M People Will Go Blind in Asia by 2010

The Straits Times (Home) - 03 July 2008
NSF Accused Of Molesting Girl

Rabu, 02 Juli 2008
Going Home?
(whole conversation in mandarin)
Yao: I'm booking out today.
Marcus: Are you going home?
Yao: No.
Marcus: Then what are you going to do?
Yao: I'm going home to take some money.
Marcus: Then I ask you if you going home and you said no!
Yao: Oh yeah hor..
Marcus and Me: -_-"
Selasa, 01 Juli 2008
Guitar Hero 4: World Tour

Guitar Hero: On Tour

News To Amuse 1
The Straits Times (Home) - 26 June 2008
200 Metal Letterboxes In Ubi Stolen
Who or what, in their sane mind would want to steal letterboxes? Maybe they are so desperate to receive snail mails that they need to have 200 letterboxes of mails. Interesting. Apparently, the theft is the work of metal theives who just want to sell metal for recycling in a bid to make some quick money. What a load of metal crap!
The Straits Times (Main) - 26 June 2008
Yao Ming's Bed to be Auctioned to Raise Money
I wonder who would really want to pay a wealthy sum for Yao Ming's used bed. It's 2.3m long. Long enough to have 2 children lie on it lengthwise. Anyway, the bed is just one of the many celebrities stuff that are on auction to raise funds for the Beijing Olympics. It's just entertaining to note that Yao's extraoridinarily long bed is on sale. Looks like he'll be hitting the hay now, literally. LOL.
The Straits Times (Home) - 26 June 2008
Singapore's Oldest Bus Stop To Remain
Yes, that's right. The oldest bus stop in Singapore, in CCK, outside Tenga Air Base have avoided the excavator's claws. Votes have been cast on the preservation of certain historical structures and the bus stop was top of the list. LTA has since decided that the bus stop is to remain where it is. Funnily enough, one of a reader, a mother, interviewed said, "Now I can bring my family there to take photos with the bus stop." Wow..
Here's an interesting outtake of the news, by
Oldest Bus Stop In Singapore
Senin, 30 Juni 2008
My First Composition
Every year when I help out at church camps, I just keep getting called to be the photographer. As the years go by, I slowly upgraded to doing video montages and now, my interest is to be a compositor or motion graphics designer. Basically, what I do is the opening sequence of a video such as the titles and any other short clips.
This is my first composition I made and its for the Sec 2 Camp in church a month ago. After I've rendered the clip and everything, I took a step back and thought, oh wow, it looks like an MTV-style animation. Haha. What do you think about it? Take a look and comment. Thanks! By the way, the graphics was inspired by a compositor from USA by the name of Andrew Kramer. Great guy.
PS: If you want me to create a title sequence, let me noe. By helping you, I can add them to my portfolio too. So its a win win situation.. =)
Minggu, 29 Juni 2008
Btw, please leave me ur blog address if you want me to link to you! =)
Senin, 23 Juni 2008

Singapore's Best Fried Chicken

Minggu, 22 Juni 2008
Lookout! Here Comes UHDTV!

Impossible Riddle
One of them is angry.
The second is hungry.
What is the third word in the English Language.
It is a simple word and everybody uses it everyday.
What is the word?"
Heroes Season 3

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008
Mika - Lollipop
Jumat, 20 Juni 2008
Funny Clip
Rabu, 18 Juni 2008
Hope you werent offended by the last post. LOL. Just to let you noe, i have wild moodswings, even when i'm writing this blog. So i can be real funny now and hahahaha all the way or i can ask you to shut the h*** up and listen to me, you understand? Haha.
Just a quick one on my blog name for the curious with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and those who just want to learn and forget. So whichever you are, dun worry, i'll still explain nevertheless. Just be PATIENTZZ...TA!! For those who personally noe me, I like videography, my passion and soon to be my uni study topic and in the future, to be my career. Actually, i'm more into compositing and animation, motion graphics, titling and hope to be involved in an advertisement project that wins awards. High hopes, but achieveable. Yes, do not doubt the power of Web 2.0 (psst, no link to wat i juz said). My second hobby, known to my true frens out there is competitive yoyo-ing. Yes, there is such a thing. In fact, i'm a member of the YoYo Association of Singapore, YYAS. I'll put up the link to that website once I figure out how to work this D*** blog customisation thing.. Excuse my language, I like to add some nice colours once in a while. Anyway, i think this paragraph is a bit long so for the fun of it, i'll cut it right here
So we have my passion and my hobby, Video and Yoyo. So mash them altogether and what do you get? Mashed potatoes.. Just joking lah can.. You got the address of my blog. Isnt it creative to have it called Vi-De-Yo..? Sounds like video but there is a yoyo element. Haha! Next paragraph.
So there you have it, my explanation for my blog address. I cant believe how lor sor i am. Its amazing how i can just type on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on but i can speak off and off and off (opposite of speak on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, basically means i speak little). Man of few words, that I am. That's why my name, Manfred. Manfred = man of peace in german, man of peace = man who dun start arguments = man who keep quiet = man of few words = Manfred. Me.
I want to type more now but i'm afraid i have to be peaceful yet again. So i'll shut my online mouth up, zip it up (using WinZip of course) and stash inside a folder to be accessed soon. Hmmm for those anti-techno-geeks people out there, you cant stop the power of Web 2.0. You will have to learn techno-IT terms whether you like it or not. Ah yes.. the power of Web 2.0.
Also, i'd like you to noe that today is my darling Felicia's birthday. So Happy Birthday my girl. I wont reveal her age to protect her privacy. I love and respect her you noe, not like all you out there who are just waiting, hungering and expecting me to expose her juicy little tender age, think I dunno, but i do. By the way, that was a joke. Haha. But seriously, i wont reveal it. Why? Cuz this is the net! Not supposed to reveal such stuff on the internet in case you havent heard. Either that or you're just being ignorant. Cant believe it.
Oh well, my session has expired, watch out for my next post then. Look out for more Manfred 2.0. Till then!
Afterthoughts: Oh man, this is a **** lot of words in this post, pretty ironic since I'm a man of few words. Whatever, the world is full of opposites, so hello! I love all you people who read my blog. Heh.. ^_^
Selasa, 17 Juni 2008
Anyway, why Manfred 2.0, I hear some of you ask, or at least you, the person reading this. If you arent asking, just read on, its good to just keep quiet once in a while and listen to other people talk, am i right? Of course i'm right, you're here to read my opinions anyway (or you wouldnt be here in the first place), so just hush and read! See what you made me do, I just want to explain why I name my blog like this and you had to make me write so much juz to convince you to read my blog. What has the world come to? Moving on..
Ok, basically, Manfred is my name. Me. Manfred is me. I'm Manfred. Got it? Good.
Next. 2.0 is the geek or netizen term for blog. Huh? Dont get it? Sigh. Read on...
***Technical terms alert!***
Blogging, friendster, facebook, IM and what have you got that connects people online all fall into this broad term called social networking, or something like that. And the nickname, or proper term (i'm not sure), for internet social networking is WEB 2.0.. Does that switch on your light? Can you see it clearer now? No?! What the **** man?
I'm Manfred and this is my blog. Blogging is under Web 2.0. So add them together become? Manfred 2.0 lah! -.-
This nickname means i've evolved from an average user the internet to an average user of the internet with social networking. Bottom line is, i'm just keeping up with times. Period. So at a time when everyone has upgraded to Web 2.0, whereas I'm still a v0.4, I realised I had to patch myself and upgrade my version to keep up with the world, lest I become obsolete and thrown away like how people throw their phones when they're frustrated, out the window.
So to cut my yabbing.. I'm proud to be a Manfred, version 2.0 now. Dont say anything about my uninteresting, unexciting, boring, bland and sleep-inducing blog layout and skin and looks now. It takes a great deal of time to customise and i've only juz became 2.0. Give me time lah can!? Internet speed can go up to 10MB/s now but my hands can only go 1m/s. Anyway, i always believe in plain looking things. So I may or may not spice this thing up. Take that! Next time, i'll explain why i chose such a address for my blog. I guess some of you may be going like "What the ****! What kind of stupid, ****ing word is that? Cant you do any better?" Believe me, i noe what you are thinking. Just keep your cool and try not to blow your head up, I'll explain that soon.
Watch out for my next post, it'll leave you shivering. Could be cuz of my very cold jokes though. Whatever. Manfred 2.0 logging out.
PS. You noe i'm only joking right? I'm not really angry lah for goodness sake. This is my style of humour. I'm a fun person. Feel free to laugh at my jokes though. ^_^